The evolution of Space Law

Wherever humankind sets its dream, follows the law. Space law and related regulations exist since the entrance in force of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, less than 50 years ago. However, new initiatives about commercial use of space, such as private spaceflights beyond the Kármán line, have arisen. Those projects highlight the necessity of an evolving regulation of Earth's orbits and outer Space.

Intellectual Property Rights in Outer Space

By Hamza Hameed for the Space Law resource Carl Christol in 1964 said : This is exactly the situation we see when it comes to the protection of intellectual property rights in outer space. This article will briefly describe what intellectual property rights comprise of, how they are relevant in outer space and what the … Continue reading Intellectual Property Rights in Outer Space

Legal means of preventing war in the Outer Space

By Mihai-Claudiu Dragomirescu for the Space Law Resource. From a geopolitical point of view, space, any space, not just outer space, has military potential. As space law professors Francis Lyall and Paul Larsen note, following Sun Tzu’s wisdom, there are types of terrain which give great advantages in a battle. High terrain is one of … Continue reading Legal means of preventing war in the Outer Space

How do lawyers search for life in outer space, by Mihai-Claudiu Dragomirescu

Are we alone in the Universe ? This question has been obsessively asked since the dawn of modern astronomy. One might venture to say that the issue transcends science, and has in fact preoccupied the minds of philosophers and religious thinkers of ancient and medieval times [1]. Nowadays, efforts are made by space agencies, scientific … Continue reading How do lawyers search for life in outer space, by Mihai-Claudiu Dragomirescu

The Moon, common heritage of Humankind

The Asgardia Project, revealed to the world on October 12th, aims to create the first ever nation in space, meaning a need to create a new framework for ownership and nationhood in space. Following that statement, various people (legal professionals, journalists, citizenship applicants and so on) expressed their questions about the territory needed to apply … Continue reading The Moon, common heritage of Humankind